- обычно
- 1) General subject: as a general (as a usual) thing, as a general rule, as a rule, by convention, by ordinary, commonly, customarily (в обычном порядке ; традиционно), familiarly, for the most part, frequently, generally, in general, it is conventional, mostly, nine times out of ten, ordinarily, usu. (от "usually"), usually, vulgarly, vulgo, actually, normally, more often than not, habitually, normal2) Engineering: classically (Classically this equation is used to illustrate -- обычно это уравнение...)3) Mathematics: be normal practice, characteristically, conventionally, it is common practice, often, regularly, routinely, traditionally, used to5) Psychology: as things go6) Information technology: most commonly7) Oil: typically8) Makarov: as a general thing, as a usual thing, as rule
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.